Business Transaction Module
The Redix Business Transaction Module (BTM) is an integral part of the Redix family of products. It is a folder-based workflow system that supports automated conversion, validation, encryption, decryption, and data transfer. Users can define the workflow and transactions for each message that is to be exchanged with a trading partner. The Redix BTM provides the following functionalities:
Allows users to set up X12/HIPAA specifications, such as ISA, GS, control numbers, separators, and tracing criteria, for each trading partner.
Allows users to set up the communication method to be used with each trading partner.
- Supports all common asymmetric and symmetric encryption methods, including AES, RSA, 3DES, and OpenPGP.
- Integrates with the Redix AnyToAny Format Converter Engine, as well as the Redix RMAP, PDF, and Database modules, to automatically convert a file.
- Monitors folders at pre-defined intervals. Incoming files are read, validated, processed, and logged. If the incoming message is an X12/HIPAA file, then TA1 and 997 acknowledgement messages are automatically generated and sent to the trading partner per the trading partner's configuration.
- Integrates with the Windows Task Scheduler to automate workflow processes.
- Provides an FTP server to allow trading partners to upload or download files. The Redix FTP Server implements several file transfer protocols: FTP (insecure), FTP+SSL (both explicit and implicit with a variety of ciphers), and SFTP (sftp subsystem of the SSH2 protocol).
- Provides an FTP client that supports FTP, FTP+SSL, and SFTP
- Sends notification emails when files arrive. Sends emails when errors occur during file processing
- Provides a wizard to allow users to easily set up the trading partner's workflow and transaction definitions
- Provides 270/271 and 276/277 reconciliation based on trace information, i.e., information in the TRN segment.
- Provides 837 and 835 reconciliation based on the Claim Submitter's Identifier or Patient Control Number.
- Provides complete 997 reconciliation.
- The default database for tracking and auditing is a Redix embedded database. The database is encrypted using Blowfish encryption algorithm. Users can easily migrate the default database to a Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 10g+, or IBM DB2 database.
Typical Workflow
The following diagram shows a typical outbound workflow that is supported by the Redix Business Transaction Modile (BTM). This workflow does the following:
Monitors a folder
Extracts data from a database and inserts the data into a Redix 270 RMAP file
Converts a RMAP file into a HIPAA 270 file
Merges multiple HIPAA files into a single interchange
Encrypts the interchange file based on the trading partner's specifications
Sends the HIPAA file using secure FTP (SFTP)

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