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Business Transaction Module

The Redix Business Transaction Module (BTM) is an integral part of the Redix family of products. It is a folder-based workflow system that supports automated conversion, validation, encryption, decryption, and data transfer. Users can define the workflow and transactions for each message that is to be exchanged with a trading partner. The Redix BTM provides the following functionalities:

  • Allows users to set up X12/HIPAA specifications, such as ISA, GS, control numbers, separators, and tracing criteria, for each trading partner.
  • Allows users to set up the communication method to be used with each trading partner.
  • Supports all common asymmetric and symmetric encryption methods, including AES, RSA, 3DES, and OpenPGP.
  • Integrates with the Redix AnyToAny Format Converter Engine, as well as the Redix RMAP, PDF, and Database modules, to automatically convert a file.
  • Monitors folders at pre-defined intervals. Incoming files are read, validated, processed, and logged. If the incoming message is an X12/HIPAA file, then TA1 and 997 acknowledgement messages are automatically generated and sent to the trading partner per the trading partner's configuration.
  • Integrates with the Windows Task Scheduler to automate workflow processes.
  • Provides an FTP server to allow trading partners to upload or download files. The Redix FTP Server implements several file transfer protocols: FTP (insecure), FTP+SSL (both explicit and implicit with a variety of ciphers), and SFTP (sftp subsystem of the SSH2 protocol).
  • Provides an FTP client that supports FTP, FTP+SSL, and SFTP
  • Sends notification emails when files arrive. Sends emails when errors occur during file processing
  • Provides a wizard to allow users to easily set up the trading partner's workflow and transaction definitions
  • Provides 270/271 and 276/277 reconciliation based on trace information, i.e., information in the TRN segment.
  • Provides 837 and 835 reconciliation based on the Claim Submitter's Identifier or Patient Control Number.
  • Provides complete 997 reconciliation.
  • The default database for tracking and auditing is a Redix embedded database. The database is encrypted using Blowfish encryption algorithm. Users can easily migrate the default database to a Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 10g+, or IBM DB2 database.

Typical Workflow

The following diagram shows a typical outbound workflow that is supported by the Redix Business Transaction Modile (BTM). This workflow does the following:

  • Monitors a folder
  • Extracts data from a database and inserts the data into a Redix 270 RMAP file
  • Converts a RMAP file into a HIPAA 270 file
  • Merges multiple HIPAA files into a single interchange
  • Encrypts the interchange file based on the trading partner's specifications
  • Sends the HIPAA file using secure FTP (SFTP)


BTM 270 Workflow


  • Windows Server 2003 / Vista / 7 / Server 2008 / 8 / Server 2012 / 10 / Server 2016
  • X12
  • NCPDP Telecom
  • NCPDP Script
  • NCPDP Batch
  • HL7

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