HL7 Module
The Redix HL7 Module is an optional add-on to the Redix AnyToAny or Network Server-Based AnyToAny Format Converter Engines. HL7 module adds the HL7 capability to the engines.
With the Redix AnyToAny format converter engine and the HL7 Module, users can convert the data between the following formats:
- HL7 version 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.1
- X12, UN/EDIFACT and their clones
- Fixed-Length Flat File
- Proprietary File
- FHIR (convert HL7 ADT/ORU messages to FHIR patient/observation/practitioner/etc.)
With the Redix AnyToXML Format Converter Engine and the HL7 Module, users can convert the following data to XML formats:
- HL7 version 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5.1
For users who have the GUI Mapper or HIPAA Package license, the Redix HL7 module provides drag-and-drop operations to allow the users easily implement a map between a non-HL7 message and a HL7 message.
Redix announced a new service - Redix FHIR Client Web Services. The services are hosted in a world-class SAS-70 Type II Data center and is built on the industry’s most robust, scalable, fully redundant architecture. The service is exclusively designed to help medical providers and payers process FHIR resources. The service provides conversion functions to convert existing HL7 2.x and C-CDA messages to FHIR.

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Suite 142
Somerset, NJ 08873
Sales Office available M-F 8:00 - 5:00 US Pacific Time